Bensalem Township Police Department is accredited by the Commission for Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies(CALEA), the Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission(PLEAC) and the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association.
[promo title=”Welcome from the Director Of Public Safety” button=”Director’s Note” url=”/about/directors-statement/” icon=”none” style=”” class=””]Click the “Director’s Note” button to view a message from Director William McVey.[/promo]
[one_third class=””][feature style=”2″ icon=”icon-copy” title=”Pay a Parking Ticket” iconurl=”/events-calendar/ ”]You can pay an electronic Parking Ticket online. Click Here.[/feature][/one_third]
[one_third class=””][feature style=”2″ icon=”icon-exclamation-sign” title=”READY Notify PA” iconurl=”http://www.readynotifypa.org/”]Get local alerts about emergencies, severe weather, and road closures on your cell or email. Click Here.[/feature][/one_third]
[one_third_last][feature style=”2″ icon=”icon-bullhorn” title=”Safety Tips” iconurl=”/safety-tips/”]View some safety tips from the Bensalem Township of Public Safety. Click Here.[/feature][/one_third_last]
[one_third class=””][feature style=”2″ icon=”icon-exclamation-sign” title=”Fraud Alert” iconurl=”/fraud-alerts/”]Bensalem Police have observed a spike in IRS related fraud reports. Learn More.[/feature][/one_third]
[one_third][feature style=”2″ icon=”icon-eye-open” title=”Current Frauds and Scams” iconurl=”/resources/services/”]Learn about available services to protect your identification and your property. Click Here.[/feature][/one_third]
[one_third_last][feature style=”2″ icon=”icon-exclamation-sign” title=”Smart 9-1-1″ iconurl=”https://www.smart911.com/smart911/ref/login.action?pa=buckscounty/”]Sign up for Bucks County Smart 9-1-1: It may save your life. Click Here.[/feature][/one_third_last]
Citizens may now file a police report online through our Crimewatch page. This is for NON-EMERGENCY / NOT IN PROGRESS incident reports. An officer will not see your report in real time and will not respond to your location. You may receive a telephone call from a department representative on a later date (if necessary to complete the report). IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY OR SEE A CRIME IN PROGRESS , DIAL 9-1-1!
Abandoned Autos
Parking Complaints
Animal Complaints(Barking Dogs, Lost Pets, etc.)
Child Custody Reports
All other reports should be made to an officer in-person at your home, business or at the Bensalem Township Police Department.
Click HERE to file a non-emergency police report.
Get your accident report at the Bensalem Township Police Department:
Copies of accident reports can be picked up at the Bensalem Township Police Department between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday thru Friday. The cost for an accident report is $10.00 and we only accept money orders or checks for payment.
The address for the Bensalem Township Police Department is 2400 Byberry Road, Bensalem PA 19020. Please enter the center doors to the Township Building (near the clock) and go left to the report window.
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[tabs type=”tour” titletype=”” style=”” class=”” icons=”true”][tab title=”Our Mission” icon=”icon-flag” id=”responsive-design”]
Bensalem Police Department Mission Statement
[blockquote style=”quote” align=””]“We, the members of the Bensalem Township Police Department, are committed to a partnership with the community we serve. The purpose of this partnership is to prevent crime and delinquency through proactive policing based on problem-solving and community involvement.
By identifying public safety problems, developing strategies and implementing solutions together, we will improve the quality of life in our community. In order to reach our mission, we pledge adherence to professional standards, the equal treatment of all people, and to administering police service with the highest level of personal and professional integrity.” [/blockquote]
[/tab] [tab title=”Vacation Reminder” icon=”icon-bell” id=”Vacation Reminder”]
Keep Your Home Safe
If you are away on vacation you should always remember to keep your home safe and secure. Here are some valuable points to keep in mind
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- Inform as few people as possible of your vacation plans.
- Do not post your vacation plans on social networking sites.
- Ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your home.
- Give emergency telephone or cell phone numbers, your itinerary, and a house key to your trusted neighbor.
- Stop your mail, or have your trusted neighbor retrieve it.
[half_last class=”nobottommargin”]
- Ask your neighbor to occasionally park a vehicle in your driveway.
- Ask your neighbor to place a filled garbage can in front of your house on collection day.
- Arrange to have the lawn mowed or snow removed.
- Install motion sensor lights on all outdoor lights.
- Use automatic timers on indoor lights to simulate occupancy.
- Use deadbolt locks on your doors and lock your garage.
[/half_last][/tab] [tab title=”Keep Kids Safe Online” icon=”icon-desktop” id=”Safe Online”]
12 Steps To Keeping Safe Online
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- Don’t give out personal information, such as your name, address, phone number, or age without your parents’ permission.
- When creating your screen name, do not include personal information like your last name or date of birth.
- Don’t share your password with anyone but your parents.
- Don’t post photos or videos online without getting your parents’ permission.
- Don’t agree to meet an online friend unless you have your parents’ permission.
[half_last class=”nobottommargin”]
- Don’t buy anything online without talking to your parents first.
- Talk to your parents before you open an email attachment or download software.
- Don’t send or respond to mean or insulting messages.
- Do not sign up for social networking sites without your parent permission.
[/half_last][/tab] [tab title=”File a Report” icon=”icon-pencil” id=”File a Report”]
[/tab] [/tabs]
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